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The Catalog Kid Antique Auction Catalogs - Christies CatalogThe Catalog Kid is the largest distributor of post auction catalogs in the world. We carry over 100,000 catalogs in stock from the reputable auction houses like Christies, Sothebys, Bonhams, Phillips, Juliens, Swann, Northeast, Doyles, SkinnerĀ and Many More
You can find all the Auction Houses on the homepage scroll down or use a keyword search.If we do not have what you are looking for we can find it.
We also buy Exhibition Catalogs and Rare Books.These catalogs are not available in bookstores, but The Catalog Kid offers you hard-to-find catalogs ranging from the 1870s to the present.

Other clients continuing to take advantage of our services include:

Christie's Worldwide
Sotheby's and Every Other Auction Worldwide
Museums Worldwide
Tiffany & Company
Art Galleries Worldwide
Antiques Road Show
Maine Antiques Digest
Disney, Warner Brothers, MGM, Studios
Furniture and Reproduction Companies
Insurance Companies
Antique Dealers

The Catalog Kid Antique Auction Catalogs - Christies Catalog
Let Andy Rose with hisĀ  26 years of experience and knowledge to answer all of your questions about catalogs, antiques, and research. The Catalog Kid provides reliable services for evaluating your personal property including art search and signature identification and up-to-date auction results.

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