2002 Christie's 100 Years of the Teddy Bear 12/3/02 South Kensington


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Christie's 100 Years of the Teddy Bear 12/3/02 South Kensington


383 LOTS


..Happy Birthday, Teddy! Everyone's childhood friend turns 100 this year and Christie's is celebrating with a spectacular sale. Much controversy surrounds Teddy's birth but there are no doubts about who christened him. In November 1902, U.S. President Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt, while on a hunting trip, refused to shoot a tethered bear cub. This incident was satirized in the Washington Post. A clever toy shop owner, Morris Michtom from Brooklyn, New York, went on to create a toy bear naming it `Teddy's Bear'. The rest, as they say, is history. This centenary sale at Christie's features over 380 rare, unique and cuddly teddy bears from all over the world sorted after manufacturers including Steiff, Schuco, Farnell and Merrythought.