SO-AA Sotheby's Music including important autographs by Beethoven $1,181,600 and Wagner 12/5/2003 London


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2003 Sotheby's Auction Catalog of Music including important autographs by Beethoven $1,181,600 and Wagner 12/5/2003 London
Sale Highlite:The autograph composing manuscript of the Scherzo from the String Quartet Op.127 in E flat major, the working full score of the complete movement, marked "scherzo vivace", notated in dark brown ink, on three systems per page, each of four staves, with many important autograph revisions, deletions, additions and corrections, including important additions to the beginning and ending of the movement (with two pages added), one passage composed on a separate leaf, with several bars drafted and crossed out and others expanded with additional material, the repeat of the Scherzo written out schematically with only the first violin part fully notated, but otherwise complete. Sold For $1,181,600
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