20th-Century Decorative Arts Auction Catalogs Email Me For A Price [email protected]


20th-Century Decorative Arts Auction Catalogs Email Me For A Price [email protected]

12/2/95 Sotheby's/NY Art Nouveau & Tiffany Lloyd & Barbara Macklowe
12/9/95 Christie's/NY Tiffany Studios Dr. Frank Stanton
12/12/95 Christie's East Venetian Glass private collection
4/17/96 Doyle/NY Belle Epoque & Lalique
4/20/96 Christie's 20th c. design /NY
6/5/6 Sotheby's/NY Tiffany Lamps Warshawsky Corporate Coll.
6/5/96 Sotheby's/NY Works of art & jewelry Lillian Nassau, Ltd.
6/7/96 &10/1996 Christie's 20th C. Design and arts and crafts and Western High Style /NY
11/1/96 Sotheby's/London Bauhaus & other avant-garde design
11/20/96 Sotheby's/Geneva Jewellery by Lalique
11/28/96 Bonham's Decortaive Arts 1860-1940 Laliques Glass/London
4/30/97 Christie's/London Sculpture & Art Nouveau Glass private collection
12/12/97 Christie's/NY The Pink Lotus Lamp (Tiffany) Barbara Streisand
5/16/98 Sotheby's/Chicago 20th-century Glass Hal Meltzer
6/11/98 Christie's/NY Art Nouveau & Art Deco a highly important European collection
10/26/98 Christie's/London Les Annees Folles (sculpture)
12/4/98 -5/98 Sotheby's/NY incl. Lalique perfume bottles Mary Lou and GlennUtt and Mike and Renee Silverstein
12/5/98 Sotheby's/NY Louis Comfort Tiffany
12/10/98 Christie's/NY Tiffany
2/27/99 Phillips/NY Rene Lalique glass private collection
5/11/99 Christie's/London The Chair
5/13/99-14/1999 Christie's/NY Maurice & Margo Cohen (hardcover)
5/23/99 Treadway, Toomey, Wright Eames
6/9/99 Christie's/South Kensington Italian Design
6/11/99 Christie's/NY Important 20th-century decorative arts Maurice & Margo Cohen (hardcover)
9/15/99 Christie's/South Kensington Scandinavian Design
9/15/99 Christie's/Los Angeles Innovators of 20th century style to benefit the Elsie de Wolfe Foundation
11/3/99 Sotheby's/Amsterdam The Viennese Master Bronzes (arcade)
11/29/99 Christie's/NY Arts & Crafts, Architectural Design, Art Nouveau, Works by L.C. Tiffany Barbara Streisand
11/29/99 Christie's/NY Tiffany
12/4/99 Sotheby's/NY Louis Comfort Tiffany
12/17/99 Chrisie's East Cigars, silver, Lalique
3/28/00 Christie's/London Venetian Glass & style of Venetian glas a private collection
4/8/00 Quittenbaum Murano glass