One Giant Leap: Celebrating Space Exploration 50 Years after Apollo 11
New York 7/18/19 SALE 17119
131 lots
Sale overview
This July, Christie’s Books & Manuscripts will present One Giant Leap: Celebrating Space Exploration 50 Years After Apollo 11 — a historically significant auction of space exploration artifacts from the Mercury through Apollo programs. The star of the sale is the Apollo 11 Lunar Module Timeline Book, which shines as the procedures manual used and annotated by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin to land the Eagle spacecraft on the Moon. The Timeline Book includes the first human writing on another world: Eagle’s landing coordinates written on page 10 by Aldrin. Additional highlights are a monumental four-sheet Moon map signed by a member of all six lunar landing crews, a Star Chart flown on Apollo 11, mission-flown flags and emblems, large-format and vintage photographs signed and inscribed by astronauts, and a moon-dust embedded