Title: Sotheby's Mario Buatta / Prince of Interiors Volume I
Auctions held in: New York
Sale Date: 1/23 & 24/21
Sale No: N10304
No. of Lots: 353
No. of Pages: 231
Condition: Very Good
Illustrated in Color
Sotheby's presents furniture, fine art and decorative objects from the personal collection of legendary interior designer Mario Buatta in a dedicated two-day auction that took place during one of the busiest weeks on the New York art market calendar, alongside with both The Winter Show and Americana Week sales series in New York in January 2020.
Mario Buatta: Prince of Interiors offered a diverse array of nearly 1,000 works that Mr. Buatta lived with in his Upper East Side apartment in New York City as well as the William Mason House - an historic gothic-style home in Thompson, Connecticut - and featured many pieces that have long been admired in showhouse rooms and shelter magazines over the years.
Most influenced by the understated elegance of Colefax and Fowler and the doyenne of exuberant American decor, Sister Parish, Buatta reinvented the English Country House style stateside for clients such as Henry Ford II, Barbara Walters, Malcolm Forbes, Mariah Carey, Patricia Altschul and for Blair House, the President's guest quarters. The collection comprises: English and Chinese Export porcelain; English pottery and Dutch Delft; English enamels, silver, and glassware; numerous examples of English and Continental furniture, with a particular focus on lacquered, japanned and penwork items; an ensemble of fine art, accented by his well-known collection of dog paintings and many more eclectic objects that illustrate his incomparable personality. With estimates ranging from $500 to $50,000, the sale presented collectors and admirers at all levels with a unique opportunity to acquire a piece of Mr. Buatta's influential aesthetic.